At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans.
Product Features
7-inch scale (17.78cm)
Made of plastic
Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
Highly detailed
Collectable art cards with art on the front, and character biographies on the back
Rare chase variant
Box Contents
Batman figure
3 Pairs of hands
Grappling hook
GoGo magician wand
Trading card with stand
Figure base
Packaging may have shelf wear/ small flaws.
Please check all pictures for quality purposes.
All Items are Packaged with Care!